

Low Fat Food !!!

I enjoy delicious food very much and would like to recommend variety of cuisine as much as possible
by means of my blog. In some way , food is much more than its basic function to feeding our stomach,
most of time , what kinds of food you like most can convey your personality, your taste of life etc.
One of my favorite food is low fat food because it is good for health and we can escape from heart desease
and too much weights . I found friends with same interests within Facebook . Here is one of their response
about low fat food bellow:

Nancy Sammour hello guys i am interrested in this group i hope we share recepies i just wanted to say to zahr if you want a dressing for a salad try balsamic vinegar alone i use it without oil and you can always use yogurt for a dressing.

Ramona Boulos Khoury I have added 2 topics that is the Low Fat Salads and Sea Food, since i don't like meat and rarely i eat the chicken breast, to add to it, i'm gluten-free person Yakhkkk...
But it is ok, i am managing.
Please feel free to add topics for other food items.

So lets start ;)

September 7, 2008 at 3:10pm · Flag

Zahr Bou-Ghanem Hellos all light food lovers, I would like to know how to make one or two types of salad dressings without putting oil or mayonnaise.

June 22, 2008 at 9:45am · Flag

