

A Second Chance, a Second Life

    As an ordinary clerk in a branch of bank, Max, a little bit chunky, in late 40 ages, had never realized that his appearence does matter until his ex-wife fell in love with a young guy and left him.

    How did that happen? This question is always bewildering to Max, he can't understand why his wife would changed mind to leave after 15 years marriage just because she met a young guy. Hmmm , just young but not handsome, at least not as good looking as Max was at his 30 ages.

   These thoughts came into Max's mind when he is running and sweating in the running machine at Crunch. This gym located in San Francisco downtown,  which is opposite the place Max works. At 7 pm every evening, Max would like to stay in gym , running or lifting weights, whatever, if only not to stay alone.

    Max is setting speed of the running machine faster , but soon he become breathless.

   The coach came to Max, he showed him how to exercise properly while gave some advices and suggestion to work out efficiently and effectively. Max looked at that guy and nodded continuously but said nothing. No doubt that the coach is a muscle guy,  well-training shape and confident, but Max don't think he can reach the coach's shape no matter how hard he work hard, because he thought his body is as old as his age is, and there is no magic to make them back to youth.

   The coach went to another customer over there, a young girl in 25 age or so, who is lifting weights now.

   "Young girl is always more attractive than an mid-aged guy, vice versa ". Max talked to himself while wiping sweat on his face.

    When Max decided to join in the membership in Crunch, one of his friends laughed at him and kidded that if he keep working out in gym , he can go back to good shape and be popular with girls and ladies, maybe his ex-wife would consider to back to him. Max didn't take what his friend said serious, but after met that girl outside the gym at the first sight, he thought there might be a chance to meet her again if he keep going to there.

   Yeah, that girl is the reason that  made him decide to go to gym! that girl made  him escape from loneliness in the evening!

   Max reset the speed of runner machine so that he can keep walking with smooth breath.

   Life is changing after he started to spent 2 hours in gym. Although he didn't see any changes in his shape but feel exhausted after back to home , which made the quality of his sleep is much better than before. He won't feel indescribable loneliness in the evening ; won't be tortured by sleeplessness and headache when he is working in daytime.

   Max recalled these dark times after divorced : work with all of enthusiasm but did nothing except just staring at the TV with blank thoughts in his mind. What do single people spent their evening ? watching TV like he does ? listening music or have a drink with friends in pub ? Max has a few friends which are
just his colleagues, they have their home and families so that nightlife is warmer than Max's night life.

   It has been a long time that Max felt it is hard to move further, the rest of his life would go on like this, he would spent all of his evening alone to look at that old type TV set, but never know any show's name.

   With a state of mid-aged mind, Max knew that he is not attractive any more either in personality or looking, and no girls and ladies would like to date with a chunky guy.

   "Need do something to change!" This thought came out from his mind when he saw that girl outside the gym that afternoon. She is not a kind of typical beautiful girl, but has a inspiring smile , which make  you have a warm feeling.  Days after that day, he always could see her going into the gym at that time when he was sitting in the Starbucks with a cup of Latte .

   Then he came to Crunch with T-shirt and shorts!

   A new start comes out from a try, nobody knows how much you can harvest surprisingly!



