

Coffee & Tea Time


 "Don't go too fast, you will  lose your heart!" 
A Spanish proverb came into my mind automatically. 
I leant it from one of my friends, an tractive screenwriter,
 when she just backed from France many years ago. She never hide her
love for literature and filmmaking as much as for Wine. 
What did we lose on the way we chasing dream ?
It is a hard question to answer! 
     I prefer to think about nothing but enjoy a cup of green tea and  
the beautiful views outside the window at this moment ! 


When we were young, we thought Happiness is simple
After grown up, we realized to be simple is happy!

 Sunflowers in Starbucks

     She spent most of weekend's afternoon at a Starbucks shop 
  when lived that traditional city, her second hometown, 
reading ,writing or just looking at the passer-by, 
 There was always a blunch of sunflowers in the corner of shop.
The owner of the shop might love sunflower as she does, 
she thought that when enjoying the smell of Cappuccino in her hand. 
     Nowadays, she has stop writing and cook coffee at home, 
but each times when looking at sunflowers, 
smile appears on her face .

